MY TOP FIVE BLOG OUTFITS OF THE DAY or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Embrace the Stigmata


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No, I’m not an escort offering some mild labial action on the streets of Birmingham but merely a Zoe-Karssen slogan jumper-wearing poseur trying to shoo the proletariat away from plain sight. Every common urchin on the street was trying to photobomb this lovely outfit shoot and I was determined not to let that happen. I love this look because a) I forgot to cut the tag off the jeans and was posing with a big tag hanging out of my derriere; b) I had to apply my makeup in River Island in the Bull Ring (I forgot to bring a mirror with me and most of my red lipstick ended up on an almond croissant from Pret) and by some wild fluke of nature, I didn’t look like a clown and c) these shoes gave me the stigmata for at least two weeks afterwards and I lorded (see what I did there) my divine status over my pedestrian friends, speaking only in parables for the full fortnight.


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Rest assured, I will NEVER again wear all black, dye the ‘two bits’ at the front of my hair pink or listen to the Linkin Park album on repeat. However, I challenged my inner emo for this outfit post and I must say it wasn’t awkward at all posing on top of the wall at Christ Church wearing a veiled beanie hat. I should have charged money for the spectacle. Retrospect is a great thing.


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My father, the bauld David Smith took these photos and likened my makeup scheme to a Japanese Noh artist. That is all.



Probably my favourite of all the photo shoots, this was when I finally surrendered to the crop top trend and stayed away from carbs for a whole day. Cue the rage, the carb-starved, hangry, mind-numbing rage. Shortly after this picture was taken, I ate a badger. Raw.


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I like to think I’m single-handedly bringing back camel toe into the public arena with this leggings and crop top ensemble. Like most other thirty one year old women, I don’t believe that leggings are a legitimate form of pants but I also think pants shouldn’t be obligatory and that is that. Now can you all just pretend to think that my long top is a dress and forget about the oppression of pants. Just say no.

11 Comments Add yours

  1. Emma Walker says:

    Your style is amazing! Great words of wisdom as well
    Emma | With A City Dream


    1. Thanks Emma, your style is pretty cool too! x


  2. valentina says:

    I love your style,I would totally wear these outfits.My favourite is the first one,I also love the one with skirt and crop top.. Ok,I can’t decide which one is my favourite 😛

    Valentina from


    1. Thanks Valentina, I think my fave is definitely the first one too. Crop tops are not very forgiving! x


  3. Kristina says:

    Great outfits! And wanted to say your blog is pretty amazing, love it!:)


    mynameiskristina blog // bloglovin


    1. Aw, thanks so much Kristina, I really appreciate it! x


  4. danielle says:

    your style is so cute, love the sweater in the first one and i have that peter pilotto sweatshirt as welL!


    1. Thanks so much Danielle, that collection was so amazing, wasn’t it? I couldn’t wait for it to come out. I’m so bummed the Lilly Pulitzer for Target collab has sold out!


  5. Jean S says:

    They all look great Mary. I also loved the elegant skirt and top with the lovely earcuff.


    1. Thanks Jean! That earcuff would literally cut off the circulation in the ear though! Oh how I suffer for my fashion! Now you now why I love wearing pyjamas round the house all the time!


  6. Francoise says:

    I an amazed that you can wear such a variety of clothes but still remain individual (singular?). Apologies for my fractured English. You are like chameleon. I love that green coat outfit. Its a dream!


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